Hack adsl router with kali linux
bsnl using adsl connection to provide internet for its home and office users. and half of them modems are vulnerable to a simple attack. attacker cut off internet, change dns after exploit this vulnerabilities.
so lets see how attack is possible?
just type “my ip” in google.
“nmap -sS -sV -vv -n -Pn -T5 -p80 -oG – | grep ‘open’ | grep -v ‘tcpwrapped’”
Now you have some results, this time you need to find the open devices with open ports. In search Result page:
you will see an authenticate page like below image,
put admin as username and admin as password.
this is illegal and you may go to jail for this action, so try at your own risk.
bsnl using adsl connection to provide internet for its home and office users. and half of them modems are vulnerable to a simple attack. attacker cut off internet, change dns after exploit this vulnerabilities.
so lets see how attack is possible?
how to hack adsl router
Step 1:
check your public ip address.just type “my ip” in google.
Step 2: Search for Vulnerable Routers.
Using linux
open terminal type:“nmap -sS -sV -vv -n -Pn -T5 -p80 -oG – | grep ‘open’ | grep -v ‘tcpwrapped’”
Now you have some results, this time you need to find the open devices with open ports. In search Result page:
Step 3:
pick an ip that have open port and place it in your browser and hit enter.you will see an authenticate page like below image,
put admin as username and admin as password.
if client did not change default username and password, then it will be lucky for you and you entered in router admin page, if you not get success then try different ip and check default username and password for some router on searching google.
you can do some further action after enter in router admin area, for example change dns and cut off internet.
this is illegal and you may go to jail for this action, so try at your own risk.